Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do...

I love music. I know that a lot of people say that, but I'm serious about that as I am about Christmas and cheese. Which on a side note, I love both of those things too. There is just something about the way that a well-written piece of music can affect not only your emotional state, but your whole day.

I associate a lot of my memories as a child with music. I remember as a little girl living at home, every Christmas Daddy would bring out the Christmas records (actual records) and play them. My favorite was Santa Claus and Popcorn. That began my love of Christmas songs and carols. To this very day, I play Christmas music in and out of season. It makes me happy :)

In case you've never heard of Santa Claus and Popcorn :)

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I also have a passion for Christian music. I love everything from Southern Gospel and hymns to today's more contemporary style. My Daddy has this tradition of playing his Gaither music videos every Sunday morning before church. And you have to understand, this man literally rocks out to them. He has a hard time of hearing, so he cranks up the surround sound until the pictures rattle off the walls. At one point I was a music major in college with the idea that I would one day join up with a big worship band like Hillsong. I would travel the world doing the thing I loved the most, singing about my God and being in his presence. Unfortunately, that dream passed on as some tend to do. I haven't lost my passion for worship though. I still sing and I'm working on my piano playing. I can worship just as good from my seat as I can the stage.

I also appreciate other genres too. I love the classics like CCR, the Eagles, and the Blues Brothers. I remember my brothers playing their songs and evening owning the albums back in the day. Today though I heard/saw the song Gravity by Sara Barellias on youtube and tears came to my eyes. Its a very simple song that she has written and performs on the piano. There aren't any flashing lights or people dancing around half-naked. Its simply her and the listener.

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 I love those moments when a true artist is playing/singing and it moves you in such a way. There's something about just the sound of a piano or accoustic guitar that can raise goosebumps on your arm and bring a tightness to your heart. I believe that when all of the extra stuff is stripped away the listener can connect directly with the artist and the message they are trying to bring. Its so much easier to feel what they are feeling when its simple and pure.

A song doesn't have to be long. It doesn't even require words. But there's just something about the human spirit that is moved when we hear a beautiful note. Its no wonder that people say that music is the universal language. Mothers sing lullabies to their babies as they rock them to sleep. Countries have their national anthems that instill a sense of pride and loyalty in every citizen. Researchers claim that by listening to classical music, people can improve their thinking and concentration levels. My very own niece makes up songs with words only she can understand, which is really cute.

God himself loves a good song. There are over 1500 verses in the Bible that make some form of reference to music. In fact, the majority of the verses in the book of Psalms were written to be sung and/or played with a musical instrument.

"Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music." Psalm 98:4 NIV

So go on and turn on that ipod and listen to some good tunes. Feel free to rock out whatever you doing, whether it be cleaning or running! Maybe music will help brighten your day up a little and bring a smile to that frowny face.

*Hershey was unfortunately in hiding from the storm, so he missed out on this blog. Next time he'll be back though once he comes out from his "undercover" assignment :)

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